Monday, August 22, 2011

Arco to Sun Valley,Idaho

Sawtooth Mountains
We made a 300 mile loop from Arco,Idaho to

Sun Valley,Idaho and Back Sure seen some pretty


Sawtooth Mountains and Salmon River

Sawtooth Mountains

The town of Stanley,Idaho and the Sawtooth Mountains

Sawtooth Mountains

Sawtooth Mountains and the Salmon River

Salmon River and the Sawtooth Mountains

Sawtooth Mountains

Red Fish Lake and the Sawtooth Mountains

Sawtooth Mountains

Salmon River Valley and the Sawtooth Mountains

Head Waters of the Salmon River

Sun Valley Ski Sloop
And the Wood River

Sun Valley,Idaho

You will have to click on picture to made it bigger were

you can read the sign post.

We will leave here 8/23 for Springville,Utah

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